Returns Policy

    This policy applies if you have received a damaged, incorrect or faulty item.

    Undamaged items can only be returned within a 30-day period from the date of delivery, subject to the following criteria:

    • Returned items must not exceed our max stock levels.

    • A restocking fee will apply (with the exception of samples and exchanged items).

    • Bespoke products and items with special finishes cannot be returned.

    • Goods must be received in a saleable condition. Damaged items will not be refunded.

    • Discontinued items cannot be returned.

    Can I exchange my goods?
    To be eligible for an exchange you must notify Joseph Giles within five working days of receiving the order. All exchanges must be authorised by Joseph Giles.

    My items have not arrived, or have arrived damaged or faulty
    If your order has not arrived, or you have received a damaged or faulty item, please notify Joseph Giles immediately. This will be verified and actioned accordingly.

    How do I return the items?
    Please download and complete our Returns Form. This will need to be printed and posted with your returned item(s).

    All items are to be returned in the original packaging wherever possible. Items are not to be packed loose in the box allowing them to knock together in transit.

    Items must be returned by a trackable method. Joseph Giles will not refund items damaged in transit.If an item arrives damaged, our team will send a photograph of the item to you so that you can pursue with your courier as appropriate.

    Any returns coming from outside the UK, need to include the following:

    Joseph Giles EORI number GB204318546000
Commodity code 8302.41.1000
County of Origin: UNITED KINGDOM

    Please also include this declaration:

    The exporter of the products covered by this document GB204318546000 declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of UK preferential origin. Crawley UK Joseph Giles LTD

    Failure to state the above will result in duties and VAT incurred by Joseph Giles being charged to you.

    Where do I return the items?
    Joseph Giles, 2 Crompton Fields, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9QB

    I have followed the returns process, when will I receive my refund?
    Please allow up to 14 days to receive your refund. If you are an account customer, a credit note will be issued to you. If you have paid by Credit card, Debit card or bank transfer, your payment will be refunded to you using the same method of payment.

    If you are acting as a consumer, please refer to our Consumer Terms and Conditions of Sale for more information on your rights.

    What can we help you with?