
Client-Centric Hardware Design

77 South Audley Street - Reception with Bespoke Drayton Lever (LV1090) in Almond Gold

Creating hardware as unique as your client

In the realm of high-end interior design, the devil is indeed in the details. This is particularly true when it comes to selecting the perfect hardware for the discerning clients of the world's most renowned interior designers. Joseph Giles stands at the forefront of crafting exquisite hardware, found in the abodes of the affluent and celebrated. Our commitment to excellence not only lies in the aesthetic appeal of our products but also in their ergonomic functionality. The choice of door hardware, especially levers, is a nuanced decision that significantly impacts the user experience. This blog post delves into the intricacies of sizing hardware to fit your client's hand, ensuring a harmonious blend of form, function, and finesse.

The Importance of Size

The size of the lever in the hand is a critical consideration. It's essential to recognize that sex and ethnicity can influence hand size, affecting the choice of hardware. For instance, our Hamilton lever, one of our largest offerings, might not be the ideal choice for someone with a smaller hand. This underscores the importance of identifying the primary user of the space. A lever that is too large or too small can detract from the user experience, making door operation less intuitive and comfortable.

Ergonomics and Grip

Beyond size, grip plays a pivotal role in hardware selection. This is especially true for clients who may have a weaker grip or for locations where low-grip scenarios are common, such as bathrooms or poolside areas. In such cases, hardware that offers minimal purchase, like smooth thumbturns and doorknobs, might not be the most practical choice. Instead, options that provide additional grip through textures such as hammering or knurling, or through design features like protrusions, can enhance usability and comfort.

Tailoring to Space and User

When selecting hardware, consider the specific needs and preferences of the space and its users. For high-traffic areas or spaces requiring more robust hardware, selections can be made to accommodate these demands without compromising on style or comfort. Conversely, private or less frequented areas might allow for more delicate, design-centric hardware choices that reflect the unique tastes of the client.

Differentiating Spaces with Finish Changes

An effective strategy to maintain a cohesive design aesthetic while also delineating different spaces within a home is through the strategic use of finishes. For example, the doors to the master suite could be fitted with the same levers as the rest of the house but in a distinct, complementary finish. This subtle differentiation not only adds a layer of sophistication to the design but also aids in visually demarcating private from public spaces within the home.

The Role of Material and Texture

The material and finish of a piece of hardware not only contribute to its aesthetic appeal but also its tactile experience. Materials can range from warm woods that offer a soft, organic touch to cool metals that provide a sleek, contemporary feel. The choice of texture can also influence the grip and overall comfort of the hardware. A carefully selected texture can enhance the functionality of a piece while also serving as an integral part of its design appeal.

Client-Centric Design Approach

At the heart of our philosophy is a client-centric design approach. This means considering the end-user's comfort, ease of use, and overall experience in every piece of hardware we create. It's about understanding the nuances of human ergonomics and how they intersect with the principles of design. By focusing on these aspects, we ensure that our hardware not only looks stunning but feels right in the hand of the user.

The Consultative Process

Selecting the perfect hardware is a collaborative process. We encourage interior designers to engage with their clients, understanding their preferences, needs, and the unique characteristics of the space. This dialogue is crucial in making informed decisions that align with the client's vision and lifestyle. Our team at Joseph Giles is also here to provide expertise and support, guiding you through our extensive collection to find the perfect match for your project.


In the world of luxury interior design, every detail counts. Hardware, often overlooked, plays a significant role in the overall aesthetic and functionality of a space. By giving careful consideration to the size, grip, material, and finish of hardware, and by tailoring these elements to fit the client's hand and their space, designers can elevate the user experience to new heights. Joseph Giles is committed to providing world-class hardware that meets these exacting standards, ensuring that the homes of your clients are not only visually stunning but also a joy to live in. Through thoughtful design and meticulous craftsmanship, we help bring your vision to life, creating spaces that are both beautiful and intuitively functional.